Hall Effect System
Manufacturer and model:Hall Effect Measurement System LakeShore 8400 Series
General Information:Characterization system to measure density of carriers, mobility, resistivity and type of semiconductor
Key Features:
DC Magnetic Fields up to 1.7 T
measurement at room temperature
measurement at liquid Nitrogen temperature measurement of high resistivity samples Programable measurement versus Field, Time and Temperature
Room temp measurement on dark or under illumination
samples up to 10mm x 10mm
Characterization of standart semiconductors such as Si, GaAs, InP, Ge and also more exotic materials like complex alloys, photo-voltaics, metals
Materials:Si, GaAs, InP, Metals, Alloys, PVManufacturer Website
Start of Operation Date:January 2017
Edmond J. Safra (Givat-Ram)
Nano Center
- Golan Tanami
- golant@savion.huji.ac.il